Rules for creating a successful slogan

When a company needs a slogan and what it should be. Analysis of typical mistakes when developing a slogan.
Slogans are phrases advertising a product. They are concise, easy to remember, associated with the product, and form an impression about it. Slogans carry atmosphere and energy, create an emotional connection between a potential buyer and a product.

When is it necessary to create a slogan?
1. Advertising slogans for various kinds of goods.
When launching an advertising campaign for a product, a slogan is created that should be remembered by the buyer and form further recognition of both the product and the company.
2. Company mottos.
Such slogans convey to the audience information about the type of activity of the company, as well as about its features and advantages.
3. Slogans to maintain the image.
They are used for new products and services of a company that occupies a stable position in the market. In this case, the slogan only strengthens the impression of the company and forms a deliberately good attitude to new services and goods.
4. The slogan is mission.
A beautiful phrase that speaks about the essence and meaning of the company's existence. It is exclusively an image tool.

The right slogan – what is it?
When creating or checking the created slogan, focus on 5 characteristics:
1. Easy to remember.
Avoid obscure words and terms.
2. Brevity.
No complicated sentences and long words.
3. Sonority.
Say the slogan out loud. Do you like the way it sounds?
4. Associativity.
The slogan should be associated with the company and reflect the type of activity.
5. Uniqueness.
The slogan must be unique! This can be checked through special databases or by a simple search on the Internet.

Typical mistakes when developing a slogan
1. The discrepancy between the emotional coloring of the advertised brand.
Let's say you sell parquet. Do you think the slogan "perfection underfoot" is suitable for this kind of sales? No, because you chose the wrong emotional coloring. It is important for people that the parquet is reliable, lay flat, and for many years. This is the informational message that the slogan should convey. The slogan is designed not to please the client's ego, but to work for sales.
2. Ignorance of the audience.
The slogan should speak to the audience in a language they understand and denote a solution to the problem. If you sell computer programs, provide hosting services, etc., you can use the slang of programmers and admins in the slogan. The use of complex terms is justified only if you are sure that the target audience will understand them. In this case, there is even a chance to establish emotional contact with the audience faster.

What determines the success of the slogan?
Largely from the copywriter. But his efforts will be wasted if there is no competent promotion and communication of the slogan to the target audience. So, we all remember absolutely typical slogans that we hear on TV and radio all day long. At the same time, many successful slogans do not work, since the public simply does not know about them. So what is the secret of a successful slogan? When creating a slogan, it is necessary to take into account many factors, including the psychology of the target audience, working with the emotional color of words, competent sound formation, adopting the slogan to the type of promotion, checking uniqueness, and much more. Considering these factors, it is possible to create a sonorous slogan that will help in increasing sales and shaping the image.